Busy 50+ Business Owner's story:
"My Dad Bod Loved Doritos!"
“I was a busy entrepreneur when our baby arrived in 2016. I was 50! My long gym workouts were out. Late-night Netflix, Doritos & beer were in. Soon I was flabby, fatigued, and cranky. My younger wife & I were fighting 24/7. Divorce clouds were brewing. Low-libido and aging were accelerating. Hello Mr Softie! Muy mal noticias!… Finally, I said enough is enough. I stopped complaining & nixed late night Netflix, dumped the Doritos, committed to a few simple habits to revitalize my body & energy quickly. It worked so I wrote an e-book, Healthy Habits Hacking, more on that later.
My name is Dan OBeirne and I help fellow BUSY parents with my simple Lean Hacks-X Method ™ via online fitness success coaching. >> See client stories here <

Fact # 1
You're BUSY. The great news is you can lose weight and get fit at home with short, smart metabolic workouts. No gym nor cardio needed.
Hi guys! Before I found VitalityON, I had a great excuse: “I’m too busy and with my genetics, I’ll always be fat like my parents." But high blood pressure and sleep apnea got my attention. My doctor said weight loss would help. So, I tried hard-core fitness like P90X and CrossFit, but time and injuries were problematic. With Dan’s coaching, I lost 14 pounds in 30 days, BEFORE starting the short home workouts. Now I am 60 lbs. leaner and feel so much younger and stronger. Even my ex-wife is shocked! 🙂
Sean, 49 years young
VitalityON Member
Lost 62 lbs. + 6 pants’ sizes
Fact # 2
Restrictive diets & calorie counting suck!... The good news is you can eat healthy foods you love and lose belly fat without hunger, pills or potions.
After my third child the “baby weight” did not want to go away. Our bedroom passion was more like a Chicago winter.
My husband said he loved me but secretly, I felt like we were siblings! He gained weight and was drinking more with a stress-filled job. With 3 kids under 12, I worried about his family history of heart attacks and did not want to become a widow. I wanted to inspire him and myself so was on and off exercise and diets, Weight Watchers, South Beach, vegan, paleo but nothing felt good nor sustainable until we found Dan's plan. It's the first time I've seen a personalized program where a real human coaches you step by step to success so you become independent and "graduate" to do healthy living and simple home fitness without the coaching or tracking via the app.
Jessica, 44 years young
VitalityON Member
Lost 47 lbs + 5 sizes
Fact # 3
Feeling old or like life is passing you by?... I became a dad at 50 and 100% understand!... You can absolutely revitalize with a simple, personalized habit plan, coaching & supportive accountability. Results are the #1 motivation!
“Hi guys! My lovely wife and I wanted to start a family but my hefty physique was NOT inspiring much bedroom romance or fertility. Finally, after a big fight, she challenged me gently to shape up...or ship out. The Zoom consult with Dan was great. I realized that I pay for professional support in other areas. Not doing so with my weight led me to waste time with confusing internet minutia. Dan and Marcos adapted a savvy daily routine for my deadline-fueled work schedule. VitalityON is flexible and SUSTAINABLE and you don’t need a gym. My wife and I are pregnant with twins and planning a “second honeymoon” once the travel restrictions are behind us!
Rob, 40 years young
VitalityON Member
Lost 34 lbs. + 3 pants’ sizes
Here’s the next step...
Test your Fitness Savvy => > > > >
Welcome To VitalityON
Are you FED UP trying to do complex fitness & confusing nutrition plans on your own and just need professional help to motivate, support, encourage, and guide you?
Do you lack motivation and struggle to get your health and weight under control?
Have you started strong in the past but unfortunately fell back into old habits quickly?
Have you tried to stick to a fitness, yoga or gym program and failed?
If so… VitalityOn’s simple method could be the perfect sustainable solution for you.
We’re the World’s Simplest, Time-Effective Way
for Busy Parents to Get Fit for Family & Healthy for Life.
Behind the success of VitalityON coaching is a 4-step formula:
Simplicity + Personalized Plan + 24/7 Tracking + Accountability = Motivation + Success
Unlike other programs, this unique dad-designed VitalityON habit system is safe for moms & dads even if you’ve never been fit. You are busy, no problem, my plan saves time for ENJOYING family fun and life. Heck, you can do my simple but powerful workouts with family, if you’d like. Either way, these simple healthy habits are ideal for kids and parents in 2022.
At the heart of this program is a surprising truth: A sustainable, healthier lifestyle at it’s best is simple and synergistic. At VitalityON we leverage University of Stanford research on behavior change. Then we “cherry-picked” the top 7 tiny vitality habits: the small changes that change everything. The result is UNCLUTTERING weight loss and wellness in a new and “outside the box” way. This is something the super-profitable 100 billion dollar diet & fitness industries do not want you to know.
We help our clients get – and stay! – lean with a time-tested plan built around our simple Lean Hacks-X flexible method of simple habits. Contact us about a FREE consult about your situation and solutions.

Join the “Dad & Mom Bod” Rebellion for Busy Parents Who Want More.
Yes, you can do this WITHOUT hunger, surgery, or hours in a gym. In fact, the workouts are optional at first.

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